"....so free from care was the posture the king assumed upon the earth, cushioned upon his cloak as a ground cloth, legs crossed at the ankles,arms folded across his breast, his eyes shaded by a straw sun hat and his head pillowed insouciantley on the bowl of his shield. He might have been a boy, herding goats in some sleepy summer dale." I think the author is trying to make the point that though Leonidas is a king, he is still a real person and can't be expected to be regal all the time. It seems that he is trying to escape the horrors of war and the time of his death through sleep, and just wants to relax in his final hours, and not just renew his energy. This passage is interesting for me because in books it never explains the small details, like people sleeping, but the author makes a point to describe how the king is sleeping, and how he looks while sleeping. I also think the comparison to a boy herding goats is interesting because i can totally see that image in my head, which helps me envision Leonidas.
"A king does not abide within his tent while his men bleed and die upon the field. A king does not dine while his men go hungry, nor sleep when they stand at watch upon the wall. A king does not command his mens loyalty through fear nor purchase it with gold; he earns their love by the sweat of his own back and the pains he endures for their sake... He serves them, not they him." I think this quote is really moving and really easy to connect to. The Spartans view of a king is a hero, and a patriot. Leonidas died fighting for his country, taking all the pain so others could live. He did not watch men die for him, he died so they and their families would be saved. I think it's better to have a role model and leader that has endured the same hardships you have, and can help you through them because of their personal experience. You also want someone who does not view themselves as high above you, but someone that is comfortable talking to you and taking time to see and help you through life and struggles. All of this Leonidas did, and the Spartans loved him in return, and were happy to follow him into war, even though they knew they would die.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Dialectic Journals- Book Seven
"...they were one rumor away from terror, and one perceived prodigy from panic." I think the author is trying to bring the reader into the book and also give them insight on how the other army (the Persians) are feeling at that moment during the war. The point of this quote is to explain how afraid the Persians are currently feeling and how close they are to breaking from the strain of war and terror. The Persians have just finished the first half of the battle, and have witnessed how strong and powerful the Spartans are, and have endured a whole day of watching them slay thousands of their men. At this point they are so scared that one rumor (probably about more warriors coming to overtake them) or one "perceived prodigy" (an omen that may mean that they will all be killed or bring bad luck) would throw them into pandemonium, and terror. They are so scared that anything will throw them off the edge. I felt a connection to this quote because I too have felt that close to the edge of breaking that the slightest thing could throw me off into a form of chaos once or twice before, and I think the author did an excellent job of describing this feeling and state of mind.
"Odd as it sounds, the feeling within that cozy copse evoked a hearth of home, a haven. One could still smell that deery smell, the gamy scent of their coats... how sweet it would be, right now, to lie down here like the deer and close one's eyes. To allow all fear to depart one's limbs. To be, just for a moment, innocent of terror." This quote strikes me because I thought it was really strange that all these soldiers, while on a very dangerous mission, randomly find this little place while traveling. It's interesting that it would just appear, and something like that can exist, while thousands are dying, and fighting has broken out all around it. Although hell is surrounding this, this "heavenly" spot has been safe from harm, and remains quiet. I also think its interesting that the author includes the detail that about how cozy and great the deer smell to the men. It's weird to me because I don't think many people would say the smell of deer smells great. I believe he includes this because it reminds the soldiers of their homes, where they eat meat (like the deer), and the memories of hunting when they were healthy, happy and safe. I can also connect to this quote because at certain times I am so tired or angry, and there is all this chaos and noise going on around, but then I'll find a quiet place (usually in my house) where it is absolutely silent, and nothing has reached that place or broken the peace. It feels great to just breath and forget about everything, especially in a place that you feel totally sheltered from the outside world, as if none of the things that were bothering you can touch you.
"Odd as it sounds, the feeling within that cozy copse evoked a hearth of home, a haven. One could still smell that deery smell, the gamy scent of their coats... how sweet it would be, right now, to lie down here like the deer and close one's eyes. To allow all fear to depart one's limbs. To be, just for a moment, innocent of terror." This quote strikes me because I thought it was really strange that all these soldiers, while on a very dangerous mission, randomly find this little place while traveling. It's interesting that it would just appear, and something like that can exist, while thousands are dying, and fighting has broken out all around it. Although hell is surrounding this, this "heavenly" spot has been safe from harm, and remains quiet. I also think its interesting that the author includes the detail that about how cozy and great the deer smell to the men. It's weird to me because I don't think many people would say the smell of deer smells great. I believe he includes this because it reminds the soldiers of their homes, where they eat meat (like the deer), and the memories of hunting when they were healthy, happy and safe. I can also connect to this quote because at certain times I am so tired or angry, and there is all this chaos and noise going on around, but then I'll find a quiet place (usually in my house) where it is absolutely silent, and nothing has reached that place or broken the peace. It feels great to just breath and forget about everything, especially in a place that you feel totally sheltered from the outside world, as if none of the things that were bothering you can touch you.
Book 6 Dialectic Journal
"Why is it in a war you can't fall asleep when you want to and can't stay awake when you have to ?" I definitely agreed with the author when I read this quote because it always seems that when you have to stay awake you can't and when you want to sleep you have to when you're doing something really important that demands both these things at certain times. I can compare this quote to moments when I've been in shows where I have had to dance, and I am really tired because I've been dancing for hours but I can't fall asleep because I have to do another show. By the end of the night I'm all pumped up again and awake from just finishing a dance number so I can't fall asleep when I really need to, so I can get enough rest for tomorrows show.
"His right hand clasped the flare of his cheek piece and tugged the ghastly mask down, in an instant the humanity of his face vanished his gentle expressive eyes became unseeable pools of blackness chasmed within the fierce eye sockets of bronze, all compassion fled in an instant from his aspect, replaced with the black mask of murder..." -chapter 24____ This passage really strikes me because it is such a clear image in my head, and the words are so powerful. The part of the quote where the author writes "unseeable pools of blackness chasmed within the the fierce eye sockets of bronze..... the black mask of murder" really strikes me because it's so detailed. I can see the shadows from the mask making the soldiers eye's dark and harsh in my head, and what it means. It not only creates a clear picture in your head but it also indicates what the Spartans are trying to represent. "Black mask of murder" is meant to scare the enemy, and make them look like they are fit for battle.
"His right hand clasped the flare of his cheek piece and tugged the ghastly mask down, in an instant the humanity of his face vanished his gentle expressive eyes became unseeable pools of blackness chasmed within the fierce eye sockets of bronze, all compassion fled in an instant from his aspect, replaced with the black mask of murder..." -chapter 24____ This passage really strikes me because it is such a clear image in my head, and the words are so powerful. The part of the quote where the author writes "unseeable pools of blackness chasmed within the the fierce eye sockets of bronze..... the black mask of murder" really strikes me because it's so detailed. I can see the shadows from the mask making the soldiers eye's dark and harsh in my head, and what it means. It not only creates a clear picture in your head but it also indicates what the Spartans are trying to represent. "Black mask of murder" is meant to scare the enemy, and make them look like they are fit for battle.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
What I'm Grateful For
I'm thankful for a lot of stuff right now!! First of all I'm really thankful for my family who visited me for thanksgiving. They live in Ramona and we haven't seen them in awhile. My Uncle Glen (my moms brother), my Aunt Lynn (his wife), her daughter Sydne, Sydne's boyfriend Sergio, their baby, Grace, and my Aunt Lynn's parents came to our house for thanksgiving. My other Aunt (my moms sister) also came. I haven't seen my mom's side of the family for awhile so this was a really big deal. This was the first time I met Sydne's baby Grace, who is now my second cousin. She is only a couple months old and she is a really happy, adorable baby. The only bad thing is she was sick on thanksgiving so she was kind of sad but still really cute.
I'm also really thankful for all the food we had. Everyone brought a dish and so we had a ton of food. My favorite food on thanksgiving is mashed potatoes and gravy, and my Aunt Terri's brown sugar yams. I'm really thankful for having so much food because I know that most of the world didn't have food that day. I'm a really big supporter of the Invisible Children organization, so I know that the kids and families that live in Uganda, Africa don't have any food or water at all most of the time. They have to spend all day trying to get food, and tons of kids and families are starving, on top of fighting AIDS. I feel really lucky that I am provided for here in America and that i have great food and an amazing family.
Another thing I am thankful for is my AMAZING FAMILY and FRIENDS!! I love both of my parents so so so soooo much! My mom always supports me and watches over me, and my dad helps me through everything and is so supportive of my decisions and helps me through fights with my mom. I love my brother and sister because even though they annoy me sometimes they're both so happy and fun. I LOVE my friends because they keep my life so exciting and they bring out the little kid in me and aren't afraid to be crazy with me and they have great advice and help my through every bump in the road!! They bring me laughter and love and i couldn't survive without all of them!! I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving bye!!!
Oh and I'm also thankful for the amazing opportunities that I get from school and the opportunity to have a great education. :-)
I'm also really thankful for all the food we had. Everyone brought a dish and so we had a ton of food. My favorite food on thanksgiving is mashed potatoes and gravy, and my Aunt Terri's brown sugar yams. I'm really thankful for having so much food because I know that most of the world didn't have food that day. I'm a really big supporter of the Invisible Children organization, so I know that the kids and families that live in Uganda, Africa don't have any food or water at all most of the time. They have to spend all day trying to get food, and tons of kids and families are starving, on top of fighting AIDS. I feel really lucky that I am provided for here in America and that i have great food and an amazing family.
Another thing I am thankful for is my AMAZING FAMILY and FRIENDS!! I love both of my parents so so so soooo much! My mom always supports me and watches over me, and my dad helps me through everything and is so supportive of my decisions and helps me through fights with my mom. I love my brother and sister because even though they annoy me sometimes they're both so happy and fun. I LOVE my friends because they keep my life so exciting and they bring out the little kid in me and aren't afraid to be crazy with me and they have great advice and help my through every bump in the road!! They bring me laughter and love and i couldn't survive without all of them!! I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving bye!!!
Oh and I'm also thankful for the amazing opportunities that I get from school and the opportunity to have a great education. :-)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Dialectic Journals Book 2

Chapter 8: "...convulse with perverse glee at the misery of whatever luckless mate now found himself spitted above the coals. Up and down the lines of boys, teeth sunk into tongues seeking to suppress his fear-inspired hilarity." -80
I found I have connections to this passage because it seems the boys/soldiers first reaction to fear, or an awkward emotion is to laugh, with I often find myself doing in situations like that. When someone is yelling at someone near me, where I am in danger of getting yelled at too I find I laugh in hysteria. The part of passage where he says "convulse with perverse glee at the misery of whatever luckless mate now found himself spitted above the coals" I can relate to because I laugh in hysteria because someones being hurt/yelled at, which is also mingling with happiness that I am not in their place. This connection helps me understand how they (the other soldiers) feel about Alexandros (the boy being beaten) and the overall feeling of the group. I can almost see their facial expressions too, because I know how me and my friends look in that situation.
Chapter 9: "For once the flesh is seized, a phobokyklos, or loop of fear, may commerce, feeding upon itself, mounting into a runway of terror. Put the body in a state of aphobia, fearlessness, the Spartans believed, and the mind will follow" -78
I thought this quote was interesting because I think most people are terrified when their flesh or body is harmed, so I understand where the "loop of fear" or "phobokyklos" comes from. I think is is interesting that the Spartans believed that if your body is in a state of "aphobia" then your mind will follow, because I believe most fear is created mentally, which then affects your body (instead of the other way around). I believe that because of your past experiences/beliefs/memories; your mind creates fears, that trick yourself into thinking things that effect your body. I think if you can overcome something mentally, it will help you physically, instead of the other way around (like the Spartans believed). This is kind of like if you feel sick, when its really just your head telling you that you feel badly.
Chapter 10: "I fear the sea anytime, but never more than on a moonless night and in the hands of strangers."
I feel like I can definitely connect to this quote because I'm pretty much terrified of the sea and sailing in general. This is mainly because I am scared of anything that goes really fast or has sudden turns or drops, which usually happens because of the waves rocking the boat. If I was in the characters position I would be SO scared because I wouldn't be able to see what was happening (due to the "moonless night) but I could still feel all the motion. I would also not be able to know if something was going to happen, so I could prepare myself for it, but instead I would be shocked and suddenly terrified if a big wave came (or something scary like that). It would be like being spun around with my eyes closed, then being dropped on a roller coaster blindfolded (I HATE roller coasters.... dislike them with passion). If I was "in the hands of stranger" it would be so much worse because I wouldn't know how well they sailed, or their style of sailings, it would be a whole new experience.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Dialectic Journals

Chapter 4: "Things are fallen which had stood upright. Things are free which should be bound, and bound which should be free. Things which had been hoarded in secret now blow and tumble open, and those who had hoarded them watch with dull eyes and let them go" Page 41
I believe the author is trying to make the point and illustrate the idea that everything is going crazy, and there world has been turned upside down. He is trying to show the reader that there is no more order, and everything is unorganized. In the part of the passage where he says "those who had hoarded them watch with dull eyes and let them go" is written to show that things that people have worked hard toward getting, hidden away so no one can steal, are now worthless because there is no use in keeping them, and so much has been lost that there is no worth in anything now. This paragraph can be related to by anyone who has ever experienced something that has changed their life, and left everything they know destroyed and turned their world upside down.
Chapter 5: "Fear arises from this: the flesh. This, he declared, "is the factory of fear."
After re-reading this sentence and the surrounding passages several times, I found that I agree with the author in some ways. Though I think there are other sources of fear, I agree with the author because most fear people have (especially warriors/soldiers) is associated with fear of being physically harmed. If we had no feeling of when something touched us people would not be afraid of getting shot, tortured etc. Common fears people have are fear of the dark, war, death... I believe most people are afraid of the dark because the media has put out that "monsters" reside in the dark. Monsters are usually associated with painful deaths a.k.a. harm and suffering inflicted on the flesh. I believe you can trace most fears back to the though of being harmed or a loved one/friends, flesh/body being hurt in some way. Though I agree with the author, I also think this sentence is much more relevant to ancient times because now there are more ways to inflict mental harm upon someone.
Chapter 6 : "I had seen my own heart and it was the heart of a coward. I despised myself with a blistering pitiless scorn"
After reading these sentences I immediately felt a connection to them. I think Xeo at this time feels ashamed, along with anger and disbelief at his own actions. I have felt this many times before. AT times I have done something without thining due to the fact another emotion has taken over me. The same thing happened to Xeo, where he had been hailed to a well, and pain over ruled his judgement and acted without thinking. After this my actions usually catch up to me and I'm ashamed, embarrassed and frustrated with myself, and the effect my actions have had on others. Xeo experiences this too when the torture is over he realizes what a coward he had been and the impression he had made on others; which results in the horrible anger he feels towards himself. He doesn't believe he deserves to live.
Chapter 7:
"Terror of sack spread throughout all Greece... so all pervasive was this dread that it had even been given a name. Phobos. The Fear."
I think this quote is interesting because it illustrates the effect that fear can have on people and how the fear of an event (or something else) can have on people even if the event hasn't even happened. It is interesting to me that such a large group of people can shared a common fear, one that is serious enough that it effects all of them. This fear is talked about so often in their daily lives they have to give it a name "Phobos" so this type of fear is distinct from any other feeling, and can be recognized by anyone. I think that by giving this fear a name (Phobos) its almost distinguishes this feeling as an event because it was so wide spread and shared with so many people at a particular time. The time before battle of attack. For example if you lived back then, and were alive years after the battle was over, but you had a grand parent who paricipated you coulod ask them "Do you remember the Time of Phobos?" and it would bring up an even (the time before the war) becasue the fear was so specific to that time.
Sunday, October 19, 2008

To be honest, I haven't been following the elections AT ALL, which is mostly the case for every election that has gone on since I was born. I have watched some of the debates, but I still don't really understand it. I have been mainly focusing on what's going on with the recession that is going on. Even though I haven't been following the election at all, I still believe it's important to know about what's going on, and who will lead our country. I believe one of the reasons I haven't really been watching and following what's been going on is that I don't really pay attention to current events. I'm more interested in really big things like the war in Uganda, that effects kids because I can relate to it better. I think if I followed current events and all the things that are happening here in America that effect people (mostly adults) I think I would be more interested in the election.
One thing I noticed about the elections this year is the diversity between people running. I think it's really cool that things are changing in America. I'm not saying I want Obama, to win, or I'm a huge fan of Sarah Palin, or Hilary Clinton (I mean how can I support people if I haven't been following the election?). I just think it's really interesting that different people are running for president, and that its not just Caucasian men. I think it would be nice to have some change and it would be cool to have "the first African American president" or the "first female president". If a woman ever became president there wouldn't be a first lady anymore! There would be a first man... I guess.
I can kind of be a feminist so I think it might be cool to have a female president one day. Though, if there is a female running, i won't just base my vote on her gender but also on her views. After watching my mom help run several organizations and events, and belonging to an all girls organization I've noticed that women run things differently then men, and they have different ideas. It would be interesting to see if the country changed really drastically if a women became president. I also think that there is still a lot of sexists out there, and I get really offended by sexist comments, and believe women still need to show men that they are capable of anything. It kind of bugs me when women don't care about standing up for themselves. I mean a long time ago women were just there to clean the house and get pregnant right? Well now when there's women who become hookers and stuff like that because they actually want to, are just eliminating any respect we've earned. I mean hello, women haven't worked for women's rights for hundreds of years for you to be a sex slave to men! Anyways, I just kind of want change in the country. Even though I haven't been watching the elections I think I want Obama to win. I just say that because I think McCain's going to die in office, and Obama seems cooler.
One thing I noticed about the elections this year is the diversity between people running. I think it's really cool that things are changing in America. I'm not saying I want Obama, to win, or I'm a huge fan of Sarah Palin, or Hilary Clinton (I mean how can I support people if I haven't been following the election?). I just think it's really interesting that different people are running for president, and that its not just Caucasian men. I think it would be nice to have some change and it would be cool to have "the first African American president" or the "first female president". If a woman ever became president there wouldn't be a first lady anymore! There would be a first man... I guess.
I can kind of be a feminist so I think it might be cool to have a female president one day. Though, if there is a female running, i won't just base my vote on her gender but also on her views. After watching my mom help run several organizations and events, and belonging to an all girls organization I've noticed that women run things differently then men, and they have different ideas. It would be interesting to see if the country changed really drastically if a women became president. I also think that there is still a lot of sexists out there, and I get really offended by sexist comments, and believe women still need to show men that they are capable of anything. It kind of bugs me when women don't care about standing up for themselves. I mean a long time ago women were just there to clean the house and get pregnant right? Well now when there's women who become hookers and stuff like that because they actually want to, are just eliminating any respect we've earned. I mean hello, women haven't worked for women's rights for hundreds of years for you to be a sex slave to men! Anyways, I just kind of want change in the country. Even though I haven't been watching the elections I think I want Obama to win. I just say that because I think McCain's going to die in office, and Obama seems cooler.
Friday, October 10, 2008

The person I chose was Ewan McGregor. I chose him because he is one of the main characters in my favorite movie, Moulin Rouge. The picture of Ewan where he is putting his hand on his face portrays him as someone who i frustrated and unhappy. I like this photo because unlike most celebrity photos it portrays a darker of more "real" side of him that you might not usually see. The second photo is taken directly from the movie Moulin Rouge. I like this photo because I think it is at an interesting angle, and it look almost like he was caught in suprise, like a candid picture. He looks like he is in the middle of an emotion, and is not posing or aware of the camera. In this picture I see him as someone who is distressed, surprised or contemplating something. 

MY HERO: (no Ewan McGregor is NOT my hero, this is the blurb about my hero, my great uncle)...
Babe is my hero because Babe survived the Bataan Death March. Though he grew up a crazy kid living on a ranch in the country, he knew when to be strong and he knew how to fight and what was worth fighting for.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Part 3: Code- Secret Life of Bees
1. How accurate were your predictions?
My predictions were basically all correct. I think the back of the book gave most of the story's outline away, and so it was fairly easy to make accurate predictions. I believe I only made one prediction that proved to be inaccurate.
2. Which predictions were very accurate?
I predicted that the book was fiction, and that the book was about a girl who runs away with her black "stand in" mother, when she insults three racists in town. They are later taken in by three black sisters who are beekeepers. I thought Lilly would learn a lot about herself and maybe more details about how her mother was killed, and who her mother was. This was all true because toward the end of the book Lily learns how her mother knew August, and the rest of the sisters, and how she left her with TRay.
3. Which predictions were less accurate? What were the differences between what you predicted and what actually happened?
One prediction that wasn't accurate was that I thought this book might be a hard book to read due to some of the vocabulary and the subject. I don't believe this was true, it was very easy for me to read this book and it all was very clear, and made sense.
My predictions were basically all correct. I think the back of the book gave most of the story's outline away, and so it was fairly easy to make accurate predictions. I believe I only made one prediction that proved to be inaccurate.
2. Which predictions were very accurate?
I predicted that the book was fiction, and that the book was about a girl who runs away with her black "stand in" mother, when she insults three racists in town. They are later taken in by three black sisters who are beekeepers. I thought Lilly would learn a lot about herself and maybe more details about how her mother was killed, and who her mother was. This was all true because toward the end of the book Lily learns how her mother knew August, and the rest of the sisters, and how she left her with TRay.
3. Which predictions were less accurate? What were the differences between what you predicted and what actually happened?
One prediction that wasn't accurate was that I thought this book might be a hard book to read due to some of the vocabulary and the subject. I don't believe this was true, it was very easy for me to read this book and it all was very clear, and made sense.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
My Weekend: Alliteration!!

This weekend I went to the Miramar Airshow. It was awesome and amazing!!! It took forever to get on to the navy base due to the long, large, lines. There was around 200,000 people who showed up! The airshow started with big, booming, bombs being dropped on the airplane runway for entertainment. The smoke was everywhere! Next several planes did tricks and flew around for awhile. Finally the main attraction, the Blue Angels, came out. The Blue Angels are a group of soldiers from the Marines, and the Navy who fly planes for peoples entertainment. It was a cold, cloudy day so the Blue Angels couldn't perform most of their tumbling, terrific, tricks because it's too risky to fly through the clouds. If they accidentally hit each other they'll die. The Blue Angels planes are fast enough to break the sound barrier, but they would hurt people if they did that so they only go half the speed they are capable of.
In addition to the planes, their was a lot of other stuff to see and do at the airshow. Lot's of different food vendors were there to provide a flavorsome feast. Different stores were selling their products there and letting people try them out. For example PlayStation 3 had a huge truck that had an arcade inside it that people were allowed in, and Wii had stations set up where you could play games. There was also a merry-go-round, a jump, jungle gym, and various carnival rides. Though it took forever to get there, it turned out to be a very fruitful day full of fabulous fun!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Metaphors, Simile's and Cliche's

Wow. Look at the huge bow perched on my head like a pink flamingo. I can still remember the amount of hairspray and bobby pins that went into making it stay there. My costumes skirt puffed out around me in a cloud of pink cotton candy, overall giving me the look of a walking strawberry sundae. Even at the age of 4 I can still remember how nervous I was to dance in front of a crowd. I could swear my stomach was jumping up and down like an over excited toddler. At the end of the day everything turned out OK, and that ugly bow was FINALLY removed.
Looking at my nine year old self in this picture I think I've come a long way from the smiling pink blob above (lol). Though I'm smiling, inside I was shaking from the cold water, holding me tightly in it's icy fist. My small fingers gripped at the dolphins slippery skin, slippery as rubber coated in melted butter. My hair clung to my face like wet octopus tentacles, the suction cups stuck tight to my skin. After that picture was taken I was quickly pulled through the water by the energetic dolphin I was holding on to, but as was expected, I fell off and crashed down into the water :-)
Saturday, September 20, 2008

My Example: An epic is a poem or story that portrays the journeys/experiences/deeds of heroes in a exaggerated writing style.
3 Characteristics of an Epic:
- The gods and lesser divinities play an active role in the outcome of actions: Because epic's are usually centered on "larger than life heroes" and gods, this is a common characteristic and can be found several times in the Iliad.
ex: Lines 217- 224: "Now come on drop this quarrel, don't draw your sword. Tell him off instead." - Athena is telling Achilles not to kill Agamemnon. Athena (a goddess) has changed the outcome of the story in this passage because she keeps Achilles from killing Agamemnon which could have drastically changed the story. - Long, formal speeches are given by important characters- ex: Lines 263-300 "And when I talked in council, they took my advice. So should you two now: Taking advice is a good thing. Agamemnon for all your nobility don't take his girl... Nor should you, son of Peleus, want to lock horns with a king."- Nestor gives Agamemnon and Achilles a speech about all his experience with great people, and the advice he has given them and the advice his now giving to Agamemnon and Achilles.
ex: Lines 236-260 "You bloated drunk with a dog's eyes and a rabbit's heart!" Achilles is is telling off Agamemnon like Athena told him to, and he is calling him a coward. - The action, often in battle, reveals more than human strength of the heroes as they engage in acts of heroism and courage: You will find this in the Iliad because the author uses metaphors, smilies and impossible tales to describe characters backgrounds, and hero's deeds. Many of the characters are part god, so this ads on to the story, and their "deeds" and experiences. Examples of this below: ex: Lines 279-283: "Caineus and Exadius and godlike Polyphemus, And Aegeus' son, Theseus, who could have passed for a god, The strongest men who ever lived on earth, the strongest, And they fought with the strongest, the wild thing, From the mountains, and beat the daylights out of them." This is a great example because it is said that these men single handedly beat and killed wild animals from the mountains and were "the strongest men on earth". ex: Lines 59-61 :"But aimed his needle-tipped arrows at the men and shot until death-fires crowded the beach. Nine days the god's arrows rained death on the camp." In these lines the author is explaining how Apollo is killing all these soldiers but when he says "shooting arrows" he means he was sending a fast spreading plague across the war camp.
- gh
- jhj
Monday, September 1, 2008
My Hero: William Tyndale

My public hero is William Tyndale. William Tyndale was born in 1494 and died in 1536. William Tyndale was the first person to translate the bible from Latin to English. Tyndale believed that everyone should be able to read the bible, and not just the Pope, the king or the rich who could afford to learn how to speak and read Latin. “I defy the Pope and all his laws. If God spare my life ere many years, I will cause the boy that drives the plow to know more of the scriptures than you!” -William Tyndale. He printed hundreds of copies of the translated bible. The people of England and the surrounding countries were so eager to read it that they were smuggled into the country in bundles of cloth, and in sacks of flour and other merchandise. At the time, he was mainly viewed as a villain due to the fact that he printed the bible without permission from the Pope or the king. He also disagreed with the Catholic Church's view of Christianity and included comments in his version of the bible that promoted his opinions. He also refused to follow King James' church of England. The leaders of the Catholic Church felt threatened by Tyndale because they believed that if everyone knew how to read the bible, the people of England would not look up to them and they would lose their power. King James eventually sent out men to find Tyndale and kill him, and after many years he was eventually found in Hamburg where he was living in hiding. He was betrayed by his friend Phillips who was working for the King, and after many months he was burnt at the stake. Tyndale's work is said to be as in important to the English language as Shakespeare's. The British library claimed that Tyndale's new testament was "the most important printed book in the English language" and paid more than one million pounds for it. According to an exhibit that was recently co-sponsered by the Library of Congress and the British library William Tyndale's work "was read by ten thousand times as many people as Chaucer." Tyndale is one of my hero's because I have grown up in a religious family, and I believe that I owe a lot to the bible, and if it weren't for William Tyndale's translation and edited version, around 70% of the bible would not be here today.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
30 Things You Dont Know About Me!

ok these probably won't be very "unique" but i'm gonna try!!
1. I'm French
2. My grandma is cousins (or something like that) with the lead singer of U2
3. I have relatives in Ireland who live in the remains of an old castle that has been kept in our family for hundreds of years, its called Hewson Castle (my grandma's maiden name is hewson)
4. I have held and fed a baby tiger and have a scar on my knee from where it cut me
5. Next to the scar on my knee from the tiger I have one from where I fell on a rock at a goat farm
6. Most of my mom's family is from Texas and I go there for about a month every year (love it!)
7. I used to play guitar and was on the news with my guitar teacher and his other students
8. My dad lived in Africa for a year, so we have African statues placed randomly around my house
9. I am REALLY scared of butterflies!!! their furry bodies freak me out ewwwwwww
10. One of my best friends Summer Clemmons has been my bff since preschool!
11. My favorite color is PINK or dark blue and orange
12. I used to have braces
13. I have one younger brother (10) and a younger sister (12) and a cat....
14. I started dancing when I was 3 or 4 and quit when I was nine, but just started again. I have done tap, ballet, jazz and I want to start hip hop and try breakdancing (crazy-ness i know! and i know thats not a real word...)
15. My favorite restaurant is The Salt Lick, its this bbq place in the middle of nowhere in Texas
17. When I'm in Texas I go to cattle auctions for fun... and then I get bored
18. I hate jumping jacks cause i think people look weird when they do them.
19. There is a brick pizza oven in our back yard.
20. I think llama is a cool word.
21. I like making up my own words
22. I have never broken any bones or gotten stung by a bee.
23. My favorite movie is Moulin Rouge
24. My favorite websites are purevolume.com gmail.com youtube, and quizilla.com
25. My favorite books are the Twilight series, and this one old book by Alfred Hitchhock
26. My mom really inspires me
27. My favorite bands/artists are Nevershoutnever, the maine, refuje, and phantom of the ciniplex
28. I hate fish
29. I can zone out for an hour.
30. I've always wanted a baby jackal for a pet (if u know what that is there from Africa) cause I think they're really cute
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