The person I chose was Ewan McGregor. I chose him because he is one of the main characters in my favorite movie, Moulin Rouge. The picture of Ewan where he is putting his hand on his face portrays him as someone who i frustrated and unhappy. I like this photo because unlike most celebrity photos it portrays a darker of more "real" side of him that you might not usually see. The second photo is taken directly from the movie Moulin Rouge. I like this photo because I think it is at an interesting angle, and it look almost like he was caught in suprise, like a candid picture. He looks like he is in the middle of an emotion, and is not posing or aware of the camera. In this picture I see him as someone who is distressed, surprised or contemplating something. 

MY HERO: (no Ewan McGregor is NOT my hero, this is the blurb about my hero, my great uncle)...
Babe is my hero because Babe survived the Bataan Death March. Though he grew up a crazy kid living on a ranch in the country, he knew when to be strong and he knew how to fight and what was worth fighting for.
again with moulin rouge......sigh lol :P
Ewan McGregor! OMG I love him. hes amazing! Moulin Rouge was a great movie!
Oh yah! I made a twiight blog for us twilight fans.
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