Wednesday, May 27, 2009

WEX #1: Outdoor Event

Describe a moment where you had to attend an outdoor event. Use 5 senses and precise details to focus on setting.

Large booms resounded through the air, so loud I could almost see the sound rippling against the black velvet sky. Sparks shot into the air, blooming into large spinning flowers of color and fire as they reached their climax in the sky. The castle stood illuminated in the distance, bathed in a flurry of colors as the fireworks flashed the rainbow. The tall towers seemed to reach up to touch the flying sparks, drawn in by the flashing glow. Cold air blew in a soft wind, blowing the castle's flags into position, tall and majestic. Music from an unexplainable source wove throughout the crowd, leaving us all swaying as the words reached our ears, the highs and lows of the instruments cradling our hearts, reverberating through our bones.

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