To be honest, I haven't been following the elections AT ALL, which is mostly the case for every election that has gone on since I was born. I have watched some of the debates, but I still don't really understand it. I have been mainly focusing on what's going on with the recession that is going on. Even though I haven't been following the election at all, I still believe it's important to know about what's going on, and who will lead our country. I believe one of the reasons I haven't really been watching and following what's been going on is that I don't really pay attention to current events. I'm more interested in really big things like the war in Uganda, that effects kids because I can relate to it better. I think if I followed current events and all the things that are happening here in America that effect people (mostly adults) I think I would be more interested in the election.
One thing I noticed about the elections this year is the diversity between people running. I think it's really cool that things are changing in America. I'm not saying I want Obama, to win, or I'm a huge fan of Sarah Palin, or Hilary Clinton (I mean how can I support people if I haven't been following the election?). I just think it's really interesting that different people are running for president, and that its not just Caucasian men. I think it would be nice to have some change and it would be cool to have "the first African American president" or the "first female president". If a woman ever became president there wouldn't be a first lady anymore! There would be a first man... I guess.
I can kind of be a feminist so I think it might be cool to have a female president one day. Though, if there is a female running, i won't just base my vote on her gender but also on her views. After watching my mom help run several organizations and events, and belonging to an all girls organization I've noticed that women run things differently then men, and they have different ideas. It would be interesting to see if the country changed really drastically if a women became president. I also think that there is still a lot of sexists out there, and I get really offended by sexist comments, and believe women still need to show men that they are capable of anything. It kind of bugs me when women don't care about standing up for themselves. I mean a long time ago women were just there to clean the house and get pregnant right? Well now when there's women who become hookers and stuff like that because they actually want to, are just eliminating any respect we've earned. I mean hello, women haven't worked for women's rights for hundreds of years for you to be a sex slave to men! Anyways, I just kind of want change in the country. Even though I haven't been watching the elections I think I want Obama to win. I just say that because I think McCain's going to die in office, and Obama seems cooler.
One thing I noticed about the elections this year is the diversity between people running. I think it's really cool that things are changing in America. I'm not saying I want Obama, to win, or I'm a huge fan of Sarah Palin, or Hilary Clinton (I mean how can I support people if I haven't been following the election?). I just think it's really interesting that different people are running for president, and that its not just Caucasian men. I think it would be nice to have some change and it would be cool to have "the first African American president" or the "first female president". If a woman ever became president there wouldn't be a first lady anymore! There would be a first man... I guess.
I can kind of be a feminist so I think it might be cool to have a female president one day. Though, if there is a female running, i won't just base my vote on her gender but also on her views. After watching my mom help run several organizations and events, and belonging to an all girls organization I've noticed that women run things differently then men, and they have different ideas. It would be interesting to see if the country changed really drastically if a women became president. I also think that there is still a lot of sexists out there, and I get really offended by sexist comments, and believe women still need to show men that they are capable of anything. It kind of bugs me when women don't care about standing up for themselves. I mean a long time ago women were just there to clean the house and get pregnant right? Well now when there's women who become hookers and stuff like that because they actually want to, are just eliminating any respect we've earned. I mean hello, women haven't worked for women's rights for hundreds of years for you to be a sex slave to men! Anyways, I just kind of want change in the country. Even though I haven't been watching the elections I think I want Obama to win. I just say that because I think McCain's going to die in office, and Obama seems cooler.
"I just say that because I think McCain's going to die in office, and Obama seems cooler."
hahahaha i totally agree i am so confused about it too!
"If a woman ever became president there wouldn't be a first lady anymore! There would be a first man... I guess." haha that cracked me up
omg i love it!! haha so funny! btw take the slid show thing off... i look baddddd
"McCain's going to die in office" HAHA SOOO TRUEEE <3333333 Summer
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